Soul Care

Spiritual Care Provider

Volunteer Hospice is offering the community this directory of diverse, inclusive, interfaith and interdisciplinary practitioners of Spiritual Care. This directory includes bereavement counselors, ancestral healing practitioners, ritualists, end of life practitioners, death doulas, death midwives, faith leaders, spiritual care providers, and others. Our community has access to inter-faith and non-faith-based services to serve and support all those facing end of life.

Each resource listed below is responsible for provided services. Volunteer Hospice does not endorse any of the listed providers and some may charge for their service.

New resources are added often, make sure to check back!

Ancestral Healing

Gabby Jimenez

Gabby Jimenez is a hospice nurse, end-of-life doula, death and dying educator, author, and blogger. You can visit her website for all of her blogs, poems, classes, the podcasts and interviews she has done, and links to her books and social media.

Kristabeth Atwood, Spiritual Director

Kristabeth offers one-on-one spiritual direction and grief companionship on Zoom. Spiritual direction embraces contemplation, discernment, meditation, silence, and conversation with an openness to connect with that which is bigger than ourselves. In a session together, we hold space for loss, engage questions as they arise, explore doubts and fears, ponder the nature of life and death, and seek to connect with the sacred within and around us.