Here for You
Person Centered Compassionate Care
Volunteer Hospice nurses guide patients and their support group through the end-of-life journey. Our on-call nurses are available 24 hours a day to answer questions or make visits, while our nursing staff works with patients and their families to set goals and manage symptoms throughout the hospice service. Our goal is to provide comfort through pain management, offer support and compassionate care, and help maintain patients' dignity and self-determination.;)
Respite and Companionship
Trained volunteers are available to Volunteer Hospice patients and their families. This offers short term relief to caregivers while providing companionship to the patient. Caregivers also get a sense of renewal as they are given time to shop, go to doctor's appointments, enjoy lunch with a friend, or relax. Respite volunteers do not provide nursing care. Their gentle support makes caregivers' work more sustainable and offers patients additional social interactions, sharing life stories, reading, watching movies or playing games.;)
Grief Support
Trained volunteers are available to anyone in the community for grief and bereavement support, regardless of the circumstances of the death. Support can be offered one-on-one or in a group..;)
Soul Care Program
Educational and awareness-raising events and programs are available to anyone in the community. Every other month, the Speaker Series features experts on topics of death and dying. Monthly Death Cafes provide opportunity for informal discussions and difficult conversations.;)
Lending Closet
Our Lending Closet is also open to all community members at no charge. Medical equipment is available for pick up at our Port Angeles location, depending on available inventory, which varies daily. Medical equipment is delivered to Volunteer Hospice patients.We accept donations of medical equipment in good working condition.
How can we serve you?
call us at 360-452-1511Email us at
OR contact us here